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Out of Touch

Hey everyone,

I must apologise for being so out of touch with you all lately!

By now you'll probably know that Ben is safely back from his deployment (yay!), and is now used to being in Georgia once again. His nose and sinuses however are up to their old tricks due to all the allergies here. But apart from that he is very happy to be back home.

In case you didn't catch the photos on Facebook. Here are a few taken of us at his homecoming:

Ben's R&R (rest and recovery) is almost over and his first official day back at work is this coming Friday. Most of his R&R has been spent at home, but we've also been out for a couple of meals and we saw the new Star Wars film together. We also took a trip to Tallahassee in Florida, mainly to see what the Wholefoods Market was like.

We took the picture below just before we set off.

Something else that has happened since he has been back was the promotion ceremony, where Ben and some others received their certificates and were welcomed into their new rank. I'm super proud that Ben has now made Technical Sergeant!

A kind lady took this picture of us after the ceremony.

In the up and coming future...

Ben has now put in a leave request, so if and when it is approved we will be leaving to go on our road trip on Monday the 12th of this month. This trip has been talked about for months and months, and it is now finally happening! We'll be staying with members of his family in Oklahoma, California and Utah, as well as visiting some sites of interest along the way that we've both always wanted to see. The Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park being the main two!

Ben is also excited to show me some parts of Utah where he spent most of his life growing up.

There will be an awful lot of driving involved so prayers of safety for our trip would really be appreciated by both of us.

I'm going to attempt to keep you all up to date with what we get up too, and will of course be taking many pictures as we are going to be travelling through a lot of states along the way. Our route going out will take us from Georgia to Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and finally California. Our return route will take us through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama then back into Georgia.

We're both really looking forward to this trip, I just hope we can both stay sane during the many hours of driving haha!

All being well I'll be in touch again soon.

Take care for now,



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