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Catching Up

My apologies for being so AWOL lately.

I found myself becoming so exhausted after all the things I did with Mum and Dad on their visit. Not to mention the fact I haven't been sleeping as well as I would like and there have been a lot of things going on in my head, which is tiring in itself!

So this week thus far has been about me catching up with myself, taking it easy and getting back into a routine.

Yep. It's now cold enough for a jumper and thermal socks. Well, today anyway.

It took me a few days to adjust to not having my parents here, as I got quite used to their company after 3 weeks! I felt quite a lot of sadness during those few days and felt pain akin to heart break. I think this was because it had occurred to me once again, that this is what this part of my life is going to be like.

It's going to be full of goodbyes, long separations and Skype video calls.

It was particularly hard this time because Ben is of course still away, so it just made everything even more real.

I have to be honest and kind with myself sometimes, because I feel bad for feeling these things. But really it's OK to feel them. It's normal. Who wouldn't be sad on occasions because they're away from family pretty much all the time?

Only a heartless person I'm sure, and that I am not.

That being said. I love our life here in Georgia. I love being married to Ben. I think it's a privilege to be the one who gets to stand at his side and cheer him on, and I am thankful that he chose me to be his wife.

Life with him is an adventure, and even though this time apart is tough. I wouldn't change our journey together one bit!

It's unique to us, and we are both so thankful for how God has been with us through every situation that we have faced since we met.


Anyhoo. That took me off on a tangent I wasn't planning!

I just wanted to let you know that (all being well) I'll be spending a bit more time on my blog than I have been of late.

Thanks for sticking with me, and stay tuned for more blog posts!



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