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The Vinegar Series Part 1: Intro

Welcome to the first part of a series I have called 'The Vinegar Series'.

I've been wanting to start this up for a while now. But as usual things get in the way, or I just forget. Plain and simple. But here we are now so let's get started with a short introduction to this series.


How did I start thinking about this?

My inspiration for starting this up was because I just think it's a marvel at how vinegar can be used for a multitude of tasks in addition to it's primary uses of preserving food and cooking in the kitchen. I'm really not keen on the smell so that really wasn't an incentive for me using it. I usually have to enjoy the smell of whatever I'm using for a task otherwise I find said task quite unpleasant and demotivating. However, sometimes I've put that aversion on hold and used it neat without anything else added because the results are so worth it!

As we go through the series I will be sharing my experiences of those occasions.


What types of vinegar are there?

These are the more common ones that I know of off the top of my head (you will probably know more than me!):

- White vinegar (you can get this distilled too)

- White wine vinegar

- Balsamic vinegar

- Malt vinegar

- Apple cider vinegar

Throughout this series, I'm going to be looking into and utilising the types of vinegar that have uses for other things aside from cooking. Like cleaning for example. There are many cleaning jobs that vinegar is so good at that this ingredient will almost always be my go too for tackling tough cleaning jobs. It just depends on what needs doing!


What can you expect from this series?

I've already mentioned that I'll be exploring it's uses with cleaning. But I also plan to look into potential health benefits than certain types have, like apple cider vinegar. I've heard talk about it and I really want to see what all the fuss is about. So you can join me in that discovery!

I'm sure there will be other things I'll want to include in this series along the way. But for now I look forward to sharing all these things with you, and I hope you'll follow along with me and maybe learn something new too!

I'll just leave you with this picture as a hint to what's coming up in Part 2!

Until next time friends,



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