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Home in a Can


How can home be in a can I hear you say? Well let me tell you. Sometimes I just long for something that I used to eat a lot of the time back in the UK and just took it for granted. Now my favourite baked beans are really Sainsbury's own brand (A supermarket chain to all ya'll Americans) as they have less sugar in than Heinz. But it's pretty much a done deal that they're not going to start importing those over here any time soon! I used to love having baked beans on toast for lunch topped with grated mature cheddar cheese. It's a taste sensation in my mind! So every now and then I indulge a bit and treat myself with a can of Heinz baked beans from the imported goods section in the commissary on the base.

For those of you who live in the states and not in the military and you would like to try out food items from other countries, the shop Publix has a good stock of imported international goods. A fellow air force wife and new friend of mine let me in on this, and so naturally I just had to go to this shop and check it out! All the while I was secretly hoping to myself that they'd have golden syrup. I ended up going there a few weeks back now, and guess what they had? GOLDEN SYRUP. Yes my friends, there it was. The ingredient integral to recipes like peanut butter sundaes and peanut butter squares. I was very good and didn't get anything else from that section. But boy oh boy, they had so many things like marmite, maltesers, digestive biscuits and cream crackers. Now of course these items are always going to be more expensive than American brands, so purchases like this one will be few and far between for me.


(This is dessert syrup which I've never had before, so I can only hope it tastes the same as the tinned syrup I know and love from Tate & Lyle.)


Needless to say, one of the things I'm most looking forward too about visiting home (aside from seeing my family, friends and English countryside), is some good old British food which includes Mum's home cooking :)

If my American readers would like to hear some more about English cooking or food items, and how they differ from here in the states. I'd be happy to oblige, so make sure you leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do.

Take care for now everyone,



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