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Missing Me, Missing You

What do you do when you really miss someone? When you can't even describe the feeling?

Well obviously you just have to carry on. There just isn't any sugar coating it and sometimes it just isn't easy...

Ben and I have almost hit the four month mark in this deployment, which is the longest that we have been separated at any one time since we met. Although saying that the entirety of our dating days and relationship were long distance.

Even when Ben was still in England he lived four hours away, which was not much to him of course as he is used to driving much longer distances in America. Once he left for the states, we went a few months in between seeing each other every time, with only a couple of weeks "respite" from the separation in between the long stints apart. So really we are no stranger to long distance.

In my opinion, this is part of what it means to be married to someone in the military. I always knew in my heart going through my teen years, that I would follow my future husband anywhere he went. That was inside of me many years before our paths crossed.

It was obviously something that God instilled in me for a purpose, and I never knew what that purpose was until Ben came into my life.

Is it hard? Yes.

Is it worth it? Very much so.

I am thankful for the life that Ben and I have together. The life that God has given us.

I consider myself fortunate as I know others have gone through, and are currently going through separations that last for a year and sometimes more. I am forever glad that Ben and I get to talk for a bit each day, because there are those that don't get to talk to their loved ones that often or even at all whilst they're away.

I am proud to be by his side and support him as he goes out to help defend this country. Because despite what some of the pilots may think...

They wouldn't be able to fly the darn planes to fight back against terrorism if it weren't for the maintenance guys and gals!

It's their job (including my husbands) to make sure each aircraft is fit to fly in as quick a time as is possible so they can get out there and carry on working on their mission.

Each member of the military deserves respect no matter the role, because they are all part of the integral cog that ensures a smooth operation.

Ever since I have moved to Georgia I have been struck with how much support there is for the military everywhere. Ben get's told "Thank you for your service." and I get told "Thank you for your husbands service." Along with the occasional "And thanks to you as well ma'am, I know it can't be easy for you."

Every little thing helps when facing the challenges that military life brings. Especially when you find somewhere new that does military discount. That always makes us feel appreciated.

Well hello Great American Cookies in Valdosta Mall!

I actually found out about that place when I went to the mall with Mum and Dad during their visit. In addition to the great tasting cookie, it made me feel comforted too.

So despite the heartache, seemingly endless car troubles and household items breaking, we WILL get through this. As many other couples like us have.

All I can say is, just bring on that homecoming day baby!

Have a wonderful day folks,



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