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Life Update: September 2017

My time here in England is now drawing to a close, which is leaving me with somewhat mixed feelings. These past six weeks have gone by so quickly and it feels like I've hardly spent much time here at all! Although I haven't been able to catch up with everyone here, it's been great spending time with the friends and family that I have seen.

It's difficult to leave behind the familiar faces and places of the country where I grew up, and now I have to do it a second time. I've enjoyed just slipping back into life here and picking up with my friends where we left off.

But Georgia is calling my name and thoughts of home are pulling on my heart strings because of all the memories that Ben and I have created so far in our marriage. I am very much looking forward to being back there and carrying on with the life we are creating with each other. Even though Ben won't be there when I return, my instinct to maintain our home until he returns is strong. Any other wives get this feeling? Or it could just be me.

This final week has been filled with last minute catch ups, purchases of some much loved English comforts and packing as much as the 22kg baggage allowance will let me squeeze in.

I've been sorting through a lot of my personal belongings (with some moral support from Mum) into piles of rubbish, things that I'm keeping and things that I'm donating to a charity shop. It's the first time that I've sorted through my whole room like this so there was quite a lot to go through. The feeling you get when having a clear out like this is great. If you ever feel the need to be productive (I know, it doesn't happen often for me either), just go through one specific area in one room of your house and have a purge.

You won't regret it!


Some of you may not have been to England, much less my hometown. I mean let's face it, Taunton isn't exactly top of the list of places to go when visiting the United Kingdom. So I thought I'd share some pictures of it with you! I haven't taken as many as I would like, but you'll be able to see a bit of what it's like here.


There's not a whole lot to update you with from Ben's part of the world really. He's just getting on with day to day life, which can sometimes be quite monotonous by the sounds of it. I think it can be a bit hard for him and his co-workers to not get a bit bored when they do the same thing, in the same place with the same people everyday aside from their day off.

They find ways to keep going but I can imagine it must be very hard. That's one of the reasons why I'm so glad that we get to talk everyday, as it helps both of us stay sane!

This will be my last post from the UK, as next time I'll be back in Georgia!

Bye for now,



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