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Ladies Post: My Experience of Making Shaved Legs Last Longer

Hey everyone!

Ok so this Ladies Post is going to be a bit girly and once again honest. But stay with me here.

Hand's up who finds shaving their legs or just shaving in general, laborious?

No judging here friends, because I do.

When I lived in the UK and was still a single lady. I only really shaved my legs regularly in the rather short English summer. I neglected the routine during the cool and cold months when all I wore was jeans and leggings. No one could see my legs during those times other than me therefore I just didn't bother as much (hello, Hairy Maclary!).

Am I alone here? I hope there's others like me out there!

But since being here in Georgia where it's practically summer all year round (not bragging, just stating). I've been keeping up with the whole shaving thing. Shorts are a staple so my legs are on show a lot more. This subsequently means that I have to increase the frequency of my leg shaves, as I've never been good at waxing or epilating (ouch).

I've been trying to eek out leg shaving times for up to 3 days before the "cactus feel" get's a bit too much for me. Not to mention I'm a brunette, meaning hairs show a lot more than you lucky blondes!


I thought back to those rare times in the UK when I wore shorts and remembered how my legs stayed smooth even the day after I shaved. Now what I'm about to tell you really works for me. But you may have found a different way of doing it that works well for you! Be sure to let me know if there is.

Anyhoo. Here are the steps I follow:

1. First I make sure my razor blade is good to go. After all, if the blades are old then you won't get a close shave! Try experimenting with different blades until you find the best one for you. For me that's Venus Sensitive.

2. Then I soap up using some shower gel (or occasionally apply some coconut oil and shave before I shower). Just make sure that whatever your using coats your skin well enough to eliminate cuts. The aim of this step is to get a close shave (obviously). But not too close, as I have on occasions when I've been sleepy!

3. Next I exfoliate legs in an upward motion with a body scrub. I say a body scrub over a bath lily or loofah just because that's what I find works best for me. If you do opt for the body scrub, just make sure the exfoliating particles are natural and aren't plastic micro beads or anything like that.

4. Finally I moisturise with a body lotion or body butter. Shaving usually dries out my legs if I don't slap some lotion on afterwards, and for some reason it helps me keep the "just shaved feel" for longer.


I hope you enjoyed this! If wonder what you do to stretch out the days between shaving? Do you have any ways to make it less of a task, or do you enjoy it perhaps? Let me know ladies!

I'll be in touch again soon.

Bye for now,


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